Elderflower sorbet (gf/vg)

Homemade elderflower sorbet is by far and a way better than any shop bought version and very easy to make.
  • 20 heads of elderflower (unwashed)
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 2 lemons, halved and juiced - keep the juiced halves)
  1. Strip the elderflowers from the flower heads leaving as much of the stalk behind as possible.
  2. Place into a large saucepan with the sugar and 550ml water, the lemon juice and the halves of lemon. Bring to a simmer then turn off the heat and leave to go cold - around 2 to 4 hours.
  3. Line a sieve with muslin or kitchen paper and strain the elderflower mixture through the sieve into a freezable container. Throw the flowers and lemons halves away.
  4. Put the container into the freezer and freeze for 2-3 hours or until semi-frozen.
  5. Empty the sorbet mixture into a blender and blitz to make a smooth icy mix. Put back into the freezer and freeze for another 1-2 hours. Repeat the blender process again a couple of times. Then replace the container into the freezer until you're ready to serve.
  6. To serve, remove the sorbet for 5 minutes to allow it to soften. The sorbet will keep for around 3 months, if it lasts that long.